Monday, February 8, 2010

Barn Gossip

This "dialog" was inspired by a conversation Beth and I had untacking our horses the other day after some interesting rides.

Any Given Horsebarn
9 p.m.

"Did you see what my person tried to make me do today?" Blaze, a chestnut jumper asked his barnmates. "She set those jumps at 3 feet 6 inches like we could just pick up where we left off last week. I set her straight pretty quickly!"

"What did you do Blaze?" asked Tina, the dressage horse.

"I knocked the rails off a couple fences and she lowered the course to 2 feet 6 inches. That way I didn't have to work as hard," Blaze replied.

"Oh I see. Well, if it makes you feel any better my person schooled me on bending again. I mean, I get it already, go around in a bent frame, it is not that hard. If I have to do one more twenty meter circle I am going to colic. Boring!" Tina retorted.

"Ha! I have you both beat!" piped up Isabella. "For the last five years my person has been trying to learn the same pattern. Every day she sets up three barrels and we run around them, always in the same order. You would think after five years she would know the pattern by now. Honestly I think she should just let me be in charge."

"You young ones have a lot to learn," chided Topper.

"What do you mean?" replied Blaze.

"I took two lame steps coming out of my stall today and my person turned me out in a grass paddock for the rest of the day," Topper told him.


  1. Topper's move sounds like something Jamie or Duchess would do!

  2. haha, email me and I will tell you who they all are :)
